Our staff pursues a collaborative approach in offering businesses the following necessary resources to be successful in Steuben County. Direct Assistance through the IDA may include:
- Real property tax abatements
- Sales tax abatements
- Mortgage tax abatements
- Bond financing
To learn more about how the Steuben County IDA can assist you or determine whether your particular project qualifies for any of the incentive programs, please contact us.
“The Steuben County IDA’s staff is knowledgeable about the local business incentive programs and helped provide introductions and facilitate those conversations. They streamlined our efforts and provided a PILOT agreement and a low interest loan, which helped make our project financially viable. Without those incentives, we would not have developed the project in Corning. The Steuben County IDA staff and board of directors are knowledgeable, well-connected business people. They provided the support we needed to make our new venture a reality.”
-Christina Schneider, Purcell Construction

Whether it’s in our two, NYS certified shovel-ready corporate parks or existing building locations in the County, Steuben County IDA is ready to match your needs with our options. Our team will work closely with our real estate, municipal and infrastructure partners to meet project demands in a timely manner. We will work with your business to negotiate an incentive package that will meet the needs of your growing business
Steuben County IDA knows that existing businesses are the foundation of our community. Staff meets regularly with business owners throughout the County to gain a pulse on economic activity levels, needs and issues. Our knowledge of complementary organizations, municipal leaders and state resources can assist with challenges faced by today’s business community.
Whether you are looking at expanding your facility, purchasing new equipment or adding new employees, Steuben County IDA and its network of partners can assist with all your expansion needs and identify the right resources to help your business grow. Incentives ranging from grants and loans to tax credits and abatements may be available to assist with any growth opportunity.